Monday, April 27, 2009

One Step at a Time

“We live and we learn to take one step at a time, there’s no need to rush. It’s like learning to fly or falling in love. It’s gonna happen when it’s supposed to happen, and we find the reasons why, one step at a time.” – Jordin Sparks

Although I don’t subscribe to the literal definition, I am a big believer in fate. I believe that things happen for a reason and that they happen how and when they are supposed to happen, IF we allow it. Those that follow the literal definition of fate and destiny often believe that events can’t be changed and will happen regardless of our choices, like the premise of the movie Serendipity. But to me that discounts the agency that we were all given before we came to earth. Our choices have consequences and how we interact with our environment and the people in it often determines the outcome – good or bad.
There are times, however, when good or bad things happen and we can’t really pinpoint the reason directly to our actions. Of course it is usually easier to find a direct relationship to our actions when good things happen and it’s harder to find when bad things happen. In modern revelation through the prophet Joseph Smith we learn that all things give us experience and that experience “…shall be for [our] good” (D&C 122:7). So when I start to feel sorry for myself or feel like giving up because life is getting a little too hard, I remember that if I continue to take things one step at a time and don’t give up I will become stronger and be more capable of handling anything that comes my way.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's positively perfect! I'm exciting to see how "Another One Bites the Dust" affected your life. :)
